I don’t feel I belong here. In this world of constant fear, The world of uncertainty, With bruises & tears. I don’t feel I belong here. Where people sell truth in every lie.. I don’t feel I belong here . Where with every move i die.
"Your time is limited". It's not a quote but fact. So Let's begin with the title of the post. Now, most of you might be thinking weird stuff but stop it right there, remember "Not anytime soon". So basically I divided the options into two "What If's" 1)What If I had a Girl Friend? 2)What If I Don't have a Girl Friend Right now? Here it goes Before you read further. It's my Humble request not to write useless comments on gender or anything. I am writing this post, in general, it applies to Both the Sides. What If I had a Girl Friend? My day would probably start with thinking of her and checking messages she sent. Assuming that If I spend 15 min morning doing this that would be around 7 Hours in a month I would be wasting. This is just the beginni...
There is no greater pain than that of regret. Nothing can kill your soul more than the feeling of regret. Never be afraid to take a risk in life. Never be afraid to take a risk going after what YOU really want. You may fail, you will most likely fail often. But failure going after your dreams is NOTHING compared to the failure that is settling for a life you don’t want. It’s never too late to try again! It’s never to late to DECIDE you want more out of life. It’s NEVER TOO LATE! It’s never too late to commit to make this day, THIS VERY DAY, the BEST of your life! To create opportunities for yourself. To be positive. To RISE above average thoughts. It’s NEVER TOO LATE to re invent yourself. To learn something new. To grow. To feel good again. No matter what has happened or failed to happen in your past: IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. But only if you are committed. Only if YOU want to change. Do you want to change? Do you want more out of li...
To the Person, I have troubled the most, I know you have all the reasons to be angry with me for all the things that I have done to you and I know it's unforgivable. I really appreciate you giving a second chance. When I think back to it I feel ashamed of it, yes have to live with it every day for rest of my life . No matter how much you say that you have forgiven me every time I talk to you it reminds me of those things and I become a different person when I talk to you. That is the reason I thought it would be best for us to stop being in contact it was not because of the way you spoke to me, I feel I deserved it and I had given up on this friendship but I tried and still, it makes me think more of it. These when I think how it might have felt putting myself in your shoes and experiencing What I did to you I understood what Kind of asshole I was. If you were my sister and s...
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