I am sorry

   To the Person, I have troubled the most,
                      I know you have all the reasons to be angry with me for all the things that I have done to you and I know it's unforgivable. I really appreciate you giving a second chance. When I think back to it I feel ashamed of it, yes have to live with it every day for rest of my life. No matter how much you say that you have forgiven me every time I talk to you it reminds me of those things and I become a different person when I talk to you. That is the reason I thought it would be best for us to stop being in contact it was not because of the way you spoke to me, I feel I deserved it and I had given up on this friendship but I tried and still, it makes me think more of it. These when I think how it might have felt putting myself in your shoes and experiencing What I did to you I understood what Kind of asshole I was. If you were my sister and somebody had to trouble you in the way I have done. I would have probably killed that person. Such a bad person I was.  Now when we have grown up realize it every day. I wish things could have been different we could have been best-est friends. I thought I could have pressed a reset button and start everything again and tried. I am sure if knew me personally right now. You would realize that I am good at heart. Yeah, Sometimes I make jokes but at the end of the day no matter how much I am into computers I am still a human Being. The day when I have to go near the almighty I want to remember only the good times a. In the short time I have we can still create good memories. Please don't be so careless, Try to know me personally and then you have all the right to judge me. I know it's difficult for a person to trust again and this time we will take it slow. I hope you will Try .

Yours sincerely,
Waiting for the call!


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