Why I won't be having a Girl Friend anytime soon ?

"Your time is limited".  

            It's not a quote but fact. So Let's begin with the title of the post. Now, most of you might be thinking weird stuff but stop it right there, remember "Not anytime soon".
So basically I divided the options into two "What If's"

1)What If I had a Girl Friend?
2)What If I Don't have a Girl Friend Right now?

Here it goes
 Before you read further. It's my Humble request not to write useless comments on gender or anything. 
I am writing this post, in general, it applies to Both the Sides. 

What If I had a Girl Friend?

   My day would probably start with thinking of her and checking messages she sent. Assuming that If I spend 15 min morning doing this that would be around 7 Hours in a month I would be wasting.
  This is just the beginning.

After that, I might spend my time in class thinking of her instead of Focusing on the Topics in Class.
  Let's assume that if I spent 1 hour Daily Thinking of her in Classes (15 Min X 4 Class). That would be 30 Hours in a month (Total 37 HRS)

After College, I might Spend time with her Assuming it to be Two Hours and Then on Call Around 2 Hour s Daily. ( 4x 30 Days =120 Hours) 

 Total  157 Hours Per Month

That's Like 6.5 Days :(

What If I Don't have a Girl Friend?

In Mornings I would Get up early because I didn't speak with anyone Late Night :p Then I check all my Inboxes and reply if it's urgent. Then go through my Check list/To-do List.
Then I would go to college focus on studies in class and I may get some good ideas on projects.

Then in evening I come home and work on "good Idea" That I thought of in class and start working on it. And if possible study little bit. After that, I might learn new Programming languages and I still might have some more time left I could do something productive. That would help by career  as well as increase my Knowledge

The Timings I have written in case 1 is not random. I have calculated them based on my people who have Girl friends.

But in the end, it depends on the individual If He/She can handle both the things and still be productive then That's great. "ALL THE BEST"

It's up to you though what you want to do in life. Work from 9-5 and Die or Work on Something that you are passionate about and MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE.

That's my aim, Not to be richest in terms of money(Wealth, Power) but to be richest in terms of Knowledge



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