
Showing posts from April, 2017


When things don't go right, When everything in life is not so bright .. Just breathe. When u feel you are rejected, If nothing goes as expected... Just breathe.\ When you are feeling blue, If u think there is no one for you... Just breathe. When people break your heart, Even if you have done your part.. Just breathe. Because, if u are still breathing it means u have another chance, Under the sunshine, you can once more dance. Just breathe

30 Marks only

 Easy to say Difficult to get?


"Home is where Ma is." Looking out at the star studded sky, the hopeless wanderer now knew why he considered the whole world home

The Journey

Life is a surprise package. Sunshine & Rain Happiness & pain.. Loss & Gain Unspoken words, but yet heard.  lost memories, but still found. unwritten poems, but can't erase. I give up. But yet ready to chase. Distant yet so close. Thorns.. But i still see the rose. short journey... but an affair of lifetime